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Maple Grove Primary School

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School Clubs


At Maple Grove we are committed to promoting and supporting the healthy and active schools ethos, and in keeping with this we offer a range of clubs, both before and after school to all children in Reception to Year 6.

They are bookable half termly. All clubs will be charged at £3.00 per session.  We do not want any child to miss out on enrichment activities through financial constraints. For those parents eligible for pupil premium fees will be reduced by 50%. If your child joins a club they will be expected to attend each week, unless they are unwell.

Spring Clubs 2020.pdf


Music Lessons

For children in Years 3-6, we are pleased to be able to offer string and woodwind lessons, with our speciaist music tutors. To discuss costs please contact us. Pupils eligible for pupil premium funding receive a 50% reduction).  There is a minimum of half a terms notice of withdrawal from lessons.