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Maple Grove Primary School

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Maple Grove's Governing Body comprises volunteers committed to ensuring high standards are achieved and maintained throughout the school. The body is made up of parents, members of staff, community representatives and local authority representatives.

Their responsibilities include:

  • Setting Strategic Direction - through clarity of vision, meeting statutory duties, engagement of parents and community stakeholders;
  • Acting as a Critical Friend - by supporting and challenging the school to improve;
  • Creating Robust Accountability - setting targets for pupil progress and achievement, teaching, behaviour and safety; review staff performance and pay, contributing to school evaluation;
  • Ensuring Financial Probity - managing the school's finances and effectively utilising pupil premium to improve progress and achievement.

Our Governing body comprises of the following members:

Parent Governors (3)

Co-opted Governors (6)

LEA Governor (1)

Staff Governor (1)

Racheal King

Allyson Woodhouse (Chair)


Sam Woodcock - Headteacher


Jackie Moore


Amanda Smith - SENco


Ged Byrne





