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Maple Grove Primary School

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At Maple Grove Primary School, we prioritise the well-being and growth of our pupils. We strive to instil confidence, resilience, empathy, and respect in our students, while also emphasising the importance of their voices and choices. To achieve these goals, we use the Jigsaw scheme to teach PSHE, which combines emotional literacy, social skills, and personal development. This approach ensures that children receive structured and age-appropriate support for their growth and development, which in turn enhances their ability to learn across all subjects and equips them with the necessary skills for managing their lives now and in the future.


At our school, all year groups work on the same theme of Jigsaw at the same time, which is appropriate to their ages. This helps ensure that our students receive consistent and age-appropriate support for their growth and development, and that they learn important skills that will benefit them throughout their lives. Through this approach, we are able to prioritize the well-being and growth of each of our pupils, instilling confidence, resilience, empathy, and respect in them, while emphasizing the importance of their voices and choices.

There are six puzzles delivered across the academic year.

Being Me in My World
Celebrating Difference
Dreams and Goals
Healthy Me
Changing Me

There are also whole school assemblies to start each unit to set the scene and goals for the half term. Lessons include a time for mindfulness breathing and focusing the brain, making sure every child gets the most out of their learning.

You can see an overview of each class's lessons (pieces) in the curriculum framework link below. 


In our teaching approach, we employ diverse methods to assess children's knowledge. Our teachers are keen on asking questions during lessons to evaluate comprehension and learning. Additionally, we provide an assessment opportunity at the end of each unit. Our guidance includes descriptors that enable us to determine if pupils are working at, below or above age-related expectations. By tracking progress over time, we can identify areas of strength and areas where further support may be necessary during the next teaching session. Our approach ensures that every child receives the necessary attention to reach their full potential.

PSHE - Whole School Curriculum Framework.
PSHE - Progression map

Year group Jigsaw Overview

Nursery Jigsaw overview                Reception Jigsaw overview 

Year 1      Year 2          Year 3       Year 4       Year 5        Year 6

Relationship & Health Education (RHE)

Our RHE curriculum is designed to match guidelines from the Department for Education. Any changes to our approach shall be noted on this page, and where changes are made, there shall be full consultation with parents/carers.

Suppose parents/carers wish to withdraw their child from the Sex Education elements of the RHE curriculum (although it is essential to note that some aspects are covered within the 'health' part of the RHE curriculum). In that case, they should contact the Head Teacher. Please note that Sex Education is not the same as Relationships Education. Hence, a conversation with the school is essential to ensure a complete understanding of the aspects of the curriculum a child can be withdrawn from.

Useful information

DfE Parents Guide
Jigsaw Parent Carer Leaflet
RSHE Faq for Parents and Carers in Hertfordshire Primary School
DfE RSHE Statutory Guidance